Joseph Callender, June 1 2018

Do your own words sentence you?

Those of you who have been in sessions with us, might find the ideas stated in this post rather familiar...

You may have noticed that your subconscious can show you stuff that has been “sentencing you” for a while and perhaps limiting you. Or indeed you may also have noticed that in deep trance you can sometimes be so far removed from normal reality, that on your way back to the so called "real" world, you may start to observe how you move from your core essence; and see the behaviour and programming that you take to be you. As if you are watching yourself from outside, or “third position” or “Meta position” for those versed in NLP speak.

This new perspective offers the possibility of real and lasting change and provides an opportunity to re-invent ourselves. Indeed we have seen some impressive transformations.

I remember learning some time ago that our lives were governed by sentences, words phrases and ideas. Some of these sentences live deep in our subconscious and get put there from a very early age. We create some of these sentences with our thoughts about ourselves; and during our formative years we acquire the phrases of our carers and loved ones.

I realised that it was possible to sit still and observe the sounds, ideas or sentences that were governing our lives and driving our intentions and habits. You can dowse these from the relevant scan charts, (see our pendulum course) and with the help of some interventions, you might be able to even hear the sound of the voice that created the idea: a mother or father or teacher or relative or friend.

You can even sentence yourself. Many of the spells I’ve had to remove from others are of their own making. I hear people say things like - "I'm the sort of person who needs a coffee when I wake up; or I am completely useless for the rest of the day" - or "I need 8 hours sleep or I don't function properly", and these become our "Sentence", or prison.

Some people have easy access to these ideas and can influence and change them because this concept makes sense to them and they just naturally do it. Others learn through observing those around them, or they create situations where their peers point them out.We all have the potential to re-program the statements, sentences, ideas and beliefs that govern who we are, and influence our character and what we do - that was my learning at the time.

Later on I started to notice my programming. For example, I saw the idea that kept me in bed when I knew I should get up - I saw the programme that was running and that observation took its power away and then I was free from the programme - so I could then be honest with myself before I went to bed. I could now check in with myself and determine how much sleep I actually needed and then set the intention for that amount of sleep. When it works you don't need alarm clocks.

All of this led me to understand the choices we have moment by moment. I've believed for a long time that happiness is a choice - so now I choose to be happy on my terms and not because of or as a result of external circumstances. This works best, when you have resolved the subconscious ideas and trauma influencing your lives; and when you have finally freed yourself from your own self deception and sabotage.

I remember when we had a death in the family and I saw the choice to grieve and I felt that choosing grief, in the appropriate measure, was the way I needed to show respect to the person or situation, and to myself for my own feeling of loss.

I realised that choice, or rather choosing, is one of the steps necessary for co-creation. We are entering an era where we can choose to create our own lives and outcomes and we need to learn to accept responsibility for ourselves and to choose the lives we want. Therefore, in this era, the sentences we utter to ourselves will help or hinder us. Make choices. However, if you can’t choose, or do not trust your own ability to choose wisely, then the work maybe to remove the stuff that gets in the way of you being able to make choices ...

Good luck co-creating…

Much love

Written by

Joseph Callender

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